Less Ego, More Soul
‘Selfless service alone gives the needed strength and courage to awaken the sleeping humanity in one's heart’
🍃 Why is it that we keep coming back to a practice that breaks down our ego every time we step on our mat?
It is known that a regular yoga practice teaches us awareness, compassion and other character qualities such as humility. It is said that humility is one of the most desirable and crucial modern-day leadership traits.
Humility is an antonym for ego. It has the power to keep us open to learning and focused on continuous improvement and growth.
The ego is formed of our perceptions, thoughts, ideas, and memories. We often see limits, judgements, and fears based on our ‘false self’. Humility reveals our “higher self”.
Yoga teaches us through the body to experience that resistance and learn to accept it (humility) in order to transform it.